Child and Youth Mental Health Outreach Program

The Program:

Working with Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) clinical team, the CYMH Outreach Counsellor provides counselling services to children and youth under 19 years of age and their families at no cost. The focus of the CYMH Outreach program is to assist children and youth who are experiencing mental, emotional, and/or behavioural problems and to support their families so they can function to their highest capacity.

CYMH Outreach Program at Family Dynamix:

The CYMH Outreach program delivered at Family Dynamix (FDx), is designed to support children and youth who experience significant difficulties related to their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

The aim of the Family Dynamix CYMH Outreach Counsellor is to help increase healthy lifestyle choices for children, youth, and their families and seek to increase stability in the lives of children/youth. The counsellor also assists families in finding mental health programs and services they could benefit from within the community. The Outreach Counsellor uses a broad range of approaches to design and help implement a supportive plan based on the values, beliefs, needs, abilities, and preferences of each individual family.

Referrals to CYMHO Program:

Referrals come directly from The Ministry of Children and Family Development’s Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) teams located across B.C. or community self-referrals.

For more information contact:-

Family Dynamix CYMH Outreach Counsellor:

Cell: 250-341-8678                           Email:

FDx Main Office:

Phone: 250-342-5566                 Email:

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