Family Dynamix’s EFAP program provides confidential, short-term counseling services for employees who are experiencing personal problems that affect their work performances. These difficulties, however, could be personal or family issues, and do not have to be caused by concerns at workplace.

Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) provides counselling services to employees and their families of firms who have entered into EFAP agreements with Family Dynamix. The program is designed to promote health and well-being through counselling support for a range of work and life circumstances.

This program is offered by registered employers as part of their overall workplace health, wellness, and safety initiatives. This program is voluntary and may be offered to aid both employees and their immediate families. Costs may or may not be covered by the employer.

Talk to your Human Resource Manager to determine if you are eligible for services through Family Dynamix EFAP program. The purpose of the program is to resolve employee issues that are affecting their job performance by providing professional support and referral services to employees. Through referral and professional consultation, employees are helped to understand and overcome their personal problems. Services offered will be specialized, depending on the identified needs of the employee.

Family Dynamix’s Employee and Family Assistance Program provides confidential, short-term counseling services for employees who are experiencing personal problems that affect their work performances. This program is offered by registered employers as part of overall workplace health, wellness and safety initiatives. This program is voluntary and may be offered to aid both employees and their immediate families. Costs may or may not be covered by the employer. Talk to your Human Resource Manager to determine if you are eligible for services through an EAP program.The purpose of EAPs is to resolve employee issues that are affecting their job performance by providing professional referral services to employees. Through referral and professional consultation, employees are helped to understand and overcome their personal problems. Services offered will be specialized, depending on the identified needs of the employee.

Get in Touch

FDx Main Office
Phone: 250-342-5566
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am to 4.30 pm

EAP Counsellors may provide the following types of services:

  • Strategies related to care of elderly parents

  • Childcare and parenting issues

  • Creating work-life balance

  • Handling job-related stress

  • Dealing with harassment in the workplace

  • Overcoming personal and relationship issues

  • Substance abuse

  • Loss and separation anxiety

  • Financial and legal issues

  • Family violence

Additional EAP services which can be offered may include:

  • Retirement planning

  • Lay-off assistance

  • Health promotion and wellness

  • Long- term illness and disability planning

  • Crisis counseling and advice for managers and directors dealing with difficult situations