If you are in immediate danger:
- Call 911 and ask for the police, or
- Call Columbia Valley RCMP, phone: (250) 342-9292
- Call or text VictimLink BC at 1-800-563-0808.
FDx Second Stage Housing Program WINGS
FDx Second Stage Housing is for women, with or without children, who are at risk of violence, or who have experienced violence. It’s a secure, low-cost residential unit where women can live safely and independently typically for 6 – 18 months. The program support workers are available to provide emotional support, safety planning, and need-based referrals to other FDx services, and/or community, online and governmental resources.
Program Description:
Family Dynamix (FDx) manages and operates the Second Stage Housing facility WINGS in Invermere, BC. WINGS is an acronym representing the following words: Women ~ Independence ~ New-Beginnings ~ Growth ~ Second Stage. Second Stage Housing programs provide housing and life skill support for women who have left abusive relationships as they plan for independent living.
The FDx Second Stage Housing serves women in the Columbia Valley region, including Spillimacheen, Brisco, Edgewater, Radium Hot Springs, Shuswap, Wilmer, Panorama, Invermere, Windermere, Akisqnuk, Fairmont Hot Springs, Canal Flats, and all points in-between.
Program Goals:
The overall goal of FDx Second Stage Housing program is to allow women to become independent and self-sufficient by encouraging them to make their own choices, arrange for their own needs, access community resources, and become involved with their communities. We believe that it is essential to create a positive environment of empowerment to nurture and support women to take control of their own lives and encourage them to make positive choices for themselves and for their children.
Program Philosophy and Scope:
The FDx Second Stage Housing provides transitional housing and support services for a period of 6 to 18 months in a safe environment, to adult women and their children who have experienced or are at risk of abuse, threats, or violence. Program objectives are individualized, and practical and generally do not exceed 18 months. A fundamental premise of service delivery is to respect women’s right to make choices based on their own understanding of their options, needs, and goals.
The Referrals to and FDx Second Stage Housing Application Process:
FDx Second Stage Housing will accept referrals of women and their children that have been identified/assessed as at-risk of abuse, threats, or violence and who have been identified as being ready to participate in Second Stage Housing services.
FDx Second Stage Housing accepts self-referrals as well as referrals from organizations and stakeholders that work as community partners in the family violence intervention field.
Once you have been referred to FDx Second Stage Housing, you have to complete an application form and provide adequate verification documents. The FDx staff will review your application and get back to you and your social worker/case manager as soon as possible.
FDx Second Stage Housing staff will select an applicant for a personal interview based on eligibility criteria and priority assessment factors. If you are offered to meet with FDx staff, you will have the chance to learn more about the program, discuss any safety concerns and goals you may have, and see if it is a fit for you and your family before being offered a space in the FDx Second Stage Housing Program.
Commitment Expected of a Program Participant:
If your application is successful following the interview, the FDx Second Stage Housing Program will involve certain commitments from you as a Program Participant.
As a Program Participant, you will:
- Participate in scheduled one-on-one meetings with your FDx Second Stage Housing Support Worker where you will identify and work towards goals that you have selected to work towards during your stay at FDx Second Stage Housing. The goals can be anything from getting connected to local resources to making court applications, returning to school, making more time in your life for self-care, developing suitable plans for your children’s safety, security, and daily healthy routines, and preparing to live independently in long-term housing after departing the Second Stage Housing.
- Participate in group sessions with the other women at FDx Second Stage Housing that focus on feeling empowered, and learning about domestic abuse, parenting, boundaries, and safety.
- Benefit from ongoing emotional and practical life skills support, information, referrals, and advocacy from your FDx Second Stage Housing Support Worker.
Rental Calculations:
Rent calculations are governed by BC Housing, FDx Second Stage Housing Program’s primary funder. For all women on income or disability assistance, rent is typically calculated at the shelter rates component provided for in the BC Employment and Assistance Act.
If you are employed, or receive other income (e.g., disability pension) and are not receiving assistance, your rent is calculated using a different formula geared to income. The exact amount can vary depending on various factors. Please speak to FDx Second Stage Housing staff to get an accurate estimate of the rental contribution for your family.
If you are a woman, with or without children, who have left abusive relationships and need help to plan for independent living, and wish to self-refer to participate in the FDx Second Stage Housing program, please contact:
FDx Main Office
Phone: 250-342-5566
Email: info@fdx.family
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am to 4.30 pm