The Sexual Abuse Intervention Program provides specialized services to children and youth, under the age of 19, who have been sexually abused or sexually assaulted. The parents and siblings of the children and youth who have been abused are also eligible to receive support and counselling. Children, ages 3 to 12, who have sexual behaviour problems are provided with specialized counselling and support services.
Program Objective:
The overall objectives of the SAIP are:
Referrals to the program come from families, the Ministry for Children and Family Development, Victim Services, the R.C.M.P., Child and Youth Mental Health, teachers, and school counsellors.
Children and youth are referred to the program for a variety of reasons. Some children have been sexually abused by a family member, a relative, a friend of the family, a trusted member of the community, or a stranger. Some youths have been sexually assaulted by an acquaintance or a stranger.
Therapeutic Interventions:
Our therapeutic interventions are sensitive to the unique needs of the child or youth who has experienced sexual abuse. The child’s age, developmental level, cultural background, and severity of the abuse are all considered when developing a treatment plan.
The Sexual Abuse Intervention Program provides timely therapeutic and educative support for families who are coping with a disclosure of sexual abuse or sexual assault. Therapeutic services include initial therapeutic response, assessment services, and treatment.
For children ages, 3 to 10 years Play Therapy is an effective therapeutic intervention. Play is a natural medium of expression and communication for children. Play Therapy provides children with the opportunity to express themselves through the use of play and toys.
Family Dynamix SAIP Services:
Family Dynamix is dedicated to supporting children and youth under the age of 19, who have been impacted by sexual abuse or sexual assault. The SAIP program is funded through the Ministry of Children and Family Development and Family Dynamix reflects the SAIP Program mandate.