Women’s Outreach provides support and advocacy to women who have been abused or who are at risk of being abused.
Program Objective:
To provide support and advocacy to women who have been abused or who are at risk of being abused. We believe that no one deserves to be abused and that there are alternatives to living with abuse.
Program Description:
The WOW program at Family Dynamix is a referral and support program for women and their children, who have experienced or are at risk of domestic violence or domestic abuse. The program assists with supporting women who require long-term support after they leave are in the process of leaving and/or living in an abusive relationship.
We help women to overcome the barriers that hinder and sometimes prevent them from being able to safely leave a relationship with an abusive partner. We provide information about options, alternatives, and available services along with emotional support, while decisions and plans are being made.
WOW has a close connection with many Columbia Valley and provincial wide programs that address women’s issues and is bridged many services in the Columbia Valley community, including, but not limited to:
It is important to note that women do not have to leave their relationship, stay at one of our private safe homes or make a police report in order to access our services. We respect and support the woman’s right to make her own decisions. The journey is hers and we support her choices to leave or to stay.
The WOW services include but are not limited to:
Family Dynamix is committed to supporting women who have been abused or who are at risk of being abused.