The Affordable Rental Housing program provides reasonably priced rental housing in Invermere, BC, for families and individuals who have a low-to-moderate income but may not be eligible for subsidized housing.
About the Program:
Finding a suitable home for a reasonable price can be a challenge for anyone, but it’s often more difficult for single-income households, seniors, and Indigenous people living off-reserve. Housing affordability is often based on a combination of factors, and every situation is different. Housing affordability refers to all of the costs associated with housing considered within the context of a household’s overall budget, life circumstances, and priorities.
In general, affordable rental housing is housing with rents equal to, or lower than, average rates in the private market. Housing is considered affordable when a household is paying 30 percent or less of its gross income to maintain a house that is safe, stable, in good repair, and suitable.
Family Dynamix (FDx) manages and maintains a selected number of one/two/three-bedroom affordable rental housing units located in Invermere, BC.
We currently have an affordable rental housing waitlist for these units.
One can apply for affordable rental housing based on the following criteria:
- You are able to live independently
- You meet the Canadian residency requirements
- You have a source of income
- You have names of references
How to access FDx Affordable Rental Housing?
The Affordable Rental Housing program in Invermere is for moderate, and low-income families and individuals in need of accommodation who satisfy the above-mentioned eligibility criteria.
If you think you are eligible to apply and may want to be on the affordable rental housing waitlist, you may click here to download the enquiry form. You will need to get it printed or ask for a printed blank form from Family Dynamix’s main office at 1317-7th Ave., Invermere, BC. The Rental Housing Enquiry Form provides us with information to make an assessment of incoming requests to rent housing. You may expect the cost of rent to be 30% of your income. Documentation to prove income is mandatory. Rental adjustments may be necessary if financial assistance programs are involved. The information provided will help facilitate our process for selecting applicants under regulations guided by B.C Housing.
Please note that the Enquiry form is not an application form. Due to the number of requests, we receive for affordable rental housing, enquiring parties will not be contacted unless we begin the application process.
Once completed, submit the Rental Housing Enquiry Form to the Family Dynamix office using one of the following methods:
- In-person: Front desk, East (Main) office located at 1317-7th Ave. Invermere, BC
- Mail: PO Box 2289 Invermere B.C, V0A 1K0
- Scan & Email:
Main office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am to 4.30 pm
Phone Number: (250) 342-5566
After submitting the Rental Housing Enquiry Form:
Since the need for affordable rental housing is much greater than the number of available units, the waiting period can vary. It is difficult to predict when a suitable unit will become available. It can depend on availability, the needs of the applicants, and many other factors.
When a unit does become available, the Family Dynamix Housing Coordinator will review and evaluate your eligibility from the completed Rental Housing Enquiry Form submitted by you and contact you directly. You may be asked for an interview for verification of your information and names of references, and other relevant data and documents to prove your eligibility.
Family Dynamix Services
Family Dynamix does more than just offer affordable rental housing. Family Dynamix offers counselling for individuals and families, provides parenting resources, early years development guidance, women’s counselling, and outreach, children’s therapy, youth counselling, and outreach, and many more supportive services. We ensure that the residents’ various needs are addressed, and program staff can refer the tenants to external community resources when necessary to ensure that they are connected to the right supporting services. Family Dynamix understands that when individuals are supported in all aspects of their lives they thrive within their community
For a complete list of all the services provided by FDx, you may click here.
In 2007, a Housing Need and Demand Assessment was conducted for the District of Invermere and in 2013 it was updated to include all the communities in the Columbia Valley.
A. As per the assessment, there are four key areas that affect affordable housing:
- Affordability (housing costs)
- Adequacy (quality and safety)
- Suitability (overcrowding)
- Accessibility (persons with health/mobility issues)
The population of the Columbia Valley between 2011 and 2030 is expected to grow by .9% or an average of .88% per year.
B. The population of the Columbia Valley between 2011 and 2030 is expected to grow by .9% or an average of .88% per year.
C. Housing is affordable if it costs no more than 30% of a household’s gross monthly income for renters and 32% for homeowners.
D. It is estimated that by 2020 there will be at least 200 seniors experiencing housing challenges.There are 4 primary target areas in need of affordable housing:
- High needs (dire),
- Moderate-Needs (core need),
- Special Needs (disability/mobility issues), and
- Homeless (in need of short-term emergency shelter and long-term)
E. At any given time there might be as many as 15 individuals experiencing homelessness. And, among those 5 of them youth.
F. It is estimated that by 2020 there will be at least 200 seniors experiencing housing challenges.
Download the Affordable Rental Housing Enquiry form